Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mel joined in and slammed to pieces together in two days

Melvin Geisenhofer working on one of his pieces; he was so fast that I had to let him work on two objects at the same time to allow the glue to dry before applying more wood.

Melvin's piece #1

Melvin's piece #2

He even started to paint one of the pieces the same day. Mel is very focused and works the whole time he is at the center, except for maybe 15 minutes for lunch and to get a coffe around 1:30pm, which might take another fifteen minutes, otherwise he works on whatever project he is involved in.

Warren wanted to participate in the project as well

Warren Jee can barely move. With the help of a brush attached to a bracelet he was able to apply some glue and to push some wood pieces into the puddles of glue. He had fun working on his piece.

Thanh continuing with her project

Thanh likes to have gloves before she starts working on her piece. She is cracking up each time when I try to help her putting on the gloves. She is fun to work with and she likes jokes.

Thanh and her pathfinder computer

Jason working the second time on his piece

Jason works kind of methodicaly and independently, he even gets himself more glue if is in need for it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Norman and the BEATLES guitar

Norman Ballou likes to work on anything related to the Beatles, first he didn't want to participate on the project, but when I told him we could work on a Beatles guitar together he was willing to apply some glue and to put some wood together.

He worked fast and focused on the project. The guitar looked pretty cool after working on it for just a few hours.

Larry's piece the day he started painting it

Larry's house

Larry started to paint his house and yard

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Toby's piece after 4 days

Toby used some color markers today.

Larry's house the second day

Larry worked on a pick-nick table, chairs, door ways and on the fence for his house. When he was finished for the day he asked me to photograph him with his house

Richard, day three and four

Richard, his forth day at work

Richards piece after 3 days. Richard is legally blind and has a hard time to coordinate the applying of glue and placing a piece of wood into the glue. He usually applies the glue some where and then places the wood pieces I gave him all over the object, but mostly not into the glue spot. So I guide his hand with the glue brush to the areas where he placed the wood piece, which I have taken away in the meantime, and let him apply some glue; then hand him the wood piece into his other hand and guide it to the spot where he just applied the glue. That way his piece is growing, taking on a futuristic shape.

Thanh working the third time on her object

Than's piece reminded me today of Matisse cut outs; she has the same delicate joyful balance of shapes.

Allura day 4 and 5

Allura's piece after 4 days

Allura's piece after working on it for five days.

Jason and Allura working side by side.

Jason, his first day with the project

I gave Jason Lee a set of wood and glue and he calmly attached the pieces to a board without telling me what he is up to.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Larry wanted to build a house

When I explained the project to Larry Cather he responded that he wanted to build a house with one window, 2 doors and pathways leading to the house. I gave him found wood pieces in various shapes and some glue and he started applying the wood pieces. I assisted him realizing his project. I try to keep my involvement in the creative process of each individual artists as low as possible. I just assist to their individual needs to realize their project.

Larry applying glue to a scrap wood piece

Jay joining in

Jay Herndon is starting out his assemblage piece. He decided to build a chinese tower.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thanh's piece after two days

This image shows Than's wood assemblage after working on it for two days (just a couple of hours each day). For more information on Than check out her website or her myspace profile.

Toby's piece after the third day

Toby is a fast working artist, first he did draw some more on the wood piece and then continued the drawing on the paper which covers the table.

Allura's assemblage after three days

Allura's wood assemblage; process shot after working on it for three days.